
MAWI (Matter-Wave Interferometers) is an European Doctoral Network within the Marie Sklodowska Curie Action (grant number 101073088 - MAWI). The network is focusing on ultra-cold atoms, matter waves, quantum sensing, and atomtronics. The goal of the MAWI project is to train young researchers in the emerging fields of matter-wave interferometry and quantum sensors based on interferometric schemes. The striking progress in the manipulation of matter-waves at ultracold temperatures makes very realistic the possibility that a new generation of interferometers is implemented with ultracold atoms within a few years, with sensitivities and performances such to make them not only promising, but actually usable both in fundamental science and in technological applications. This progress is deeply related to the similarly remarkable advances in the field of atomtronics, a new field at the frontier of matter-wave optics seeking to realize atomic circuits in which ultracold atoms are manipulated in versatile optical or magnetic guides.

Within the MAWI project, the Grenoble node organises a doctoral school for the MAWI PhD students. The goal of the school is to provide the necessary computational and data analysis tools for both theorists and experimentalists working in the MAWI project. This school is also open to participants outside the MAWI consortium.

Invited lecturers and school topics are :

  • Markus Holzmann (LPMMC, Grenoble) «Monte Carlo methods for many-body quantum systems »
  • Matthieu Istas (NEEL and LPMMC, Grenoble) « A short introduction to numerical computation and machine learning in python»
  • Stefano Martina (University of Florence, Italy) « Introduction to machine learning and deep learning for data analys »
  • Luca Pezze’ (LENS, Florence, Italy) « Useful entanglement in quantum metrology »
  • Benoit Vermersch (LPMMC, Grenoble) « Introduction to quantum computing »

Each course will include 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of exercises




Call for Proposals : Grant-making to ECAS Members in the EU - 2024 - ECAS

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